Kelas Yang Tersedia
Tersedia beragam kelas yang dapat anda pilih sesuai dengan waktu dan budget anda. Kami melayani pelajar privat, kelompok, korporasi, dan live webinar. Selain itu, kami menyediakan layanan khusus untuk murid yang merupakan anak yatim/piatu dan ekonomi lemah dari seluruh pelosok tanah air.

Classes & Learning Programs
Private | Group | Corporate | Live Webinar | Special Service | |
PU-SS | PU-SS | By topics and needs | |||
PUBER = Program Unggulan, Bergaransi, EST, Restoratif
PU – SS = Program Unggulan – Speaking Skill
PB – SELN = Program Bergaransi – Speak English Like a Native
PB – IW = Program Bergaransi – IELTS Writing
PB – I = Program Bergaransi – IELTS
PB – SG = Program Bergaransi – Smart Grammar
PE= Program English High-Stakes Tests (EHST)
PE – I = Program EHST – IELTS
PE – TP = Program EST – TOEFL ITP
PR – BE = Program Restoratif – Business English
PR – RE = Program Restoratif – General English
One-on-One Training
Kelas ini disediakan untuk murid yang
tertarik belajar sendiri bersama tutor.
Jadwal tersedia secara fleksibel sesuai
dengan keinginan murid.
Group Training
Kelas ini memiliki jumlah minimal dan
maksimal siswa dalam belajar. Jadwal
tidak fleksibel, sesuai dengan yang kami
Corporate Training
Kelas ini khusus untuk perusahaan atau
institusi yang menghendaki
pembelajaran berkelompok minimal 5
karyawan atau pegawai. Kelas dapat
berupa online dan offline.
Live Webinar
Kelas ini hanya tersedia pada waktu tertentu,
sesuai dengan topik yang ditentukan
dan dilaksanakan secara live
dengan minimal 30 murid.
Special Service
Kelas ini dikhususkan untuk murid yang merupakan anak yatim/piatu dan keluarga kurang
mampu secara ekonomi. Kelas ini GRATIS! Dilaksanakan secara berkelompok minimal 20
murid, minimal lulusan SMA, memiliki peralatan penunjang belajar online, dan memiliki
daya juang, ketekunan, dan motivasi dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris, dan komitmen untuk
menyelesaikan program dengan disiplin.
Apa kata mereka
“I had a great experience taking English lessons with the tutor. Learning sessions were done effectively since he would focus on the area that we needed to improve the most. Insightful tips and tricks for taking IELTS were also given generously throughout the sessions. I personally recommend Golobe Education especially for those who aim for higher education abroad as he would not only help to prepare your English, but also give useful insights about admission or scholarship processes.”
“I found the tutor highly committed as he had helped me achieve my desired score in the IELTS test. I had a serious problem with my speaking ability that led to a massive failure in several IELTS tests. He was able to diagnose my key problem and offer me solution that worked best for me. On top of that, prior to my departure to the UK for doing my MSc, I asked him to teach me Academic Writing and How to Achieve Distinction in courses that I would take. His teaching has absolutely made me who I am today – from someone who was not really proficient in English to someone who can eloquently communicate in English.”
“The tutor is unparalleled as an educator. His ability to blend serious insight and solid study into a form that’s exciting, engaging, and accessible is admirable. Having him as my PTE tutor was not only boosted my literacy in English, but also broadened my general knowledge as he is so knowledgeable. All in all, enjoy learning with him to the utmost.”
“The tutor is highly passionate dan friendly who was able to make me motivated with what I was brushing up – TOEFL ITP, for my university entrance program at Universitas Indonesia. Frankly, studying TOEFL ITP was petrifying for me personally since the lessons were above and beyond what I had been taught at my senior high school. With his great passion, he delivered the teaching in an engaging way both offline and online modes, and I found the lessons a bit easy as he broke them down into “pieces” to see how a language function formed a meaning that was used in communication.”